We Buy & Sell Hamms Items + Minnesota Beer Signs
The Hamm’s Club is a very unique brewery based club in that we only do Hamm’s. Some dealers at our two annual shows sell items other than Hamm’s, however you will NEVER find such a concentration of good old Hamm’s signs and advertising at one place. Those who attend for the first time are amazed. It’s the place to look, meet people and buy if you're interested. Also it’s the place to buy great Hamm’s items for the best prices hands down. Get in the loop so you know about our shows by becoming a member. If you can’t make to our shows join simply to be networked with other members and to get the great information in the Hamm’s Club newsletters, the Bruins Gazette. As Hamm’s Club member Steve Miner puts it, “The Gazettes alone are worth the cost of membership.” There you have it...
Bruins Gazettes
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Kirk Schnitker, President